The State Duma of the Russian Federation will in the near future adopt legislative measures to prohibit stockpiling radioactive waste in the country. The lower house of the Russian parliament voted in favor of the bill banning nuclear waste accumulation in the first reading.
The legislation envisions the creation of a unified government-controlled system for circulating nuclear wastes. The new mechanism would allow Russia to be in compliance with its international obligations. Rosatom, a state-owned company in the nuclear technologies sector, will have the power to regulate practices relating to the disposal of nuclear material. A national operator for disposing nuclear wastes in the country will also be created.
Companies that produce radioactive waste will have an obligation to treat the nuclear material in such a way that it would be safe for underground storage. The waste will then by handed to the national operator. Waste disposal activities will be undertaken at the expense of the producers. Companies that operate nuclear-hazardous production facilities will contribute to paying the expenses of waste disposal.
In accordance with the new law, the interment of nuclear wastes can be performed exclusively by the national operator and major producers designated by the government. The stockpiles of radioactive wastes will eventually be removed and buried in accordance with safety standards. Russia will also create a register of radioactive wastes. The government believes that forcing those that create environmental hazards to pay for waste disposal will in the long run contribute to conservation.