Fesco, which is a global transportation company, has launched its container cargo transportation service linking the U.S. with St. Petersburg.
The service is Fesco’s second container transportation service directly connecting the United States and Russia. Earlier, in September, Fesco started a service from the U.S. to Sochi and Novorossiysk. The Fesco group may be considered as one of the biggest logistics services providers on the Russian market. The company operates a port of entry that is designed for bulk container freight. In addition, Fesco runs an extensive on-land infrastructure for cargo transit. Most of the company’s infrastructure is located in far eastern Russia, where Fesco operates the seaport of Vladivostok. The company provides transportation services under its Transgarant brand. It also has a joint venture with the Russian Railways named Russian Troika. The company has approximately 35,000 containers. Fesco’s net cargo capacity is 56,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units). The clients of Fesco are both foreign shippers and domestic companies. In the first half of 2013, the company’s net profits under international accounting standards were USD14 million. The company’s net profits in the first half of 2013 under international accounting standards went down to RUR532.595 million, a figure that reflects a 34.3 percent decline from the result for the corresponding period of the previous year.