Barbara Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, and Nicole Kidman all wear her jewelry.
Marina J. Feldman is a strikingly attractive woman resembling Marilyn Monroe in many respects. In contrast to the artificial smiles of some Hollywood celebrities, Marina’s beauty is natural, whole, and inviting. Her other connection with the movie industry is that among her clients are Barbara Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, Nicole Kidman, and many other cinema stars. The two famous auction houses Sotheby’s and Christie’s are also her regular customers.
Marina Feldman specializes in pearl weaving. She is considered one of the world’s most inspired and talented artists. She can reweave an antique or an estate pearl collar, a watchband, a necklace, a bracelet, or earrings. And she does the job so well that some antique dealers and experts can’t tell that a piece was restored. Today, Marina’s creations are sold in elite stores around the world. Curiously, in the jewelry business Marina Feldman is known most simply as Marina or Russian Marina.
Marina J has been fascinated by the art of pearl weaving since she was a child. Born and educated in Moscow where the pearl weaving heritage is world-known, she started to make simple jewelry with beads and buttons at the age of fifteen. Later, she decided to continue doing the same with other, nobler materials – pearls, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and tourmalines.
– As far back as I can remember myself, I always wanted to be original.
Even though Marina studied jewelry design at the prestigious Bezalel Shool of Arts in Israel, nobody taught her how to do pearl weaving.
– I taught myself by looking at old samples. Gradually, I developed my own techniques. The quality of the material takes the forefront role. I needed to have a good string. If you spend several weeks working on a piece, but then the string tears and everything falls apart, it is very sad. I could not allow myself to risk that. I found a company that manufactures parachutes in New York, and it supplies me with strings that do not tear.
Marina J just recently had her debut at the Las Vegas JCK 2008 event.
– I had many different impressions about the show. Before I became aware of this event, journalists from the JCK magazine contacted me and did a big story about what I do. Then I received an invitation to take part in the show. It was very enlightening to observe the new trends of jewelry fashion and to see the best designers in the world. I have many ideas in my head already. I will be working with color precious stones more. They are hot right now. Of course, I will not forget my pearls – I’ll use both the classic white pearls and color pearls.
Marina is a one hundred percent self-made woman who achieved her great American dream. Right now, she has one more dream ahead of her.
– I want very much to give back to Russia everything that I’ve learned about pearl weaving over the years. Maybe, I should open a school there. I need to show what I have accomplished, to share my secrets. Certainly, there are craftsmen in Russia that also know this technique. I am not alone. But I want to help them – to give them the right strings and needles… I very much wish to do that.
Contact information:
Marina J Jewelry
Tel./Fax: 310-550-8554