Russia’s earnings from oil exports in January-August 2012 increased by 6.7 percent to USD119.645 billion from USD112.087 billion in the same period of 2011, reported the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia. In particular, according to the agency, revenues from exports to foreign countries increased by two percent up to USD111.86 billion (USD109.82 billion a year earlier). Exports to the C.I.S. countries increased 3.4 times to USD7.782 billion (compared with USD2.267 billion). In actual terms, the exports of oil for the reporting period stood at 158.4 million tons. This result is 9.7 percent higher than the year before, when exports stood at 144.36 million tons. The exports of oil to foreign countries decreased by 1.5 percent to 139.2 million tons compared to 141.298 million tons last year. The exports of oil to the near abroad grew 6.3 times to 19.2 million tons from 3.063 million tons.