The representative for the Russia’s Federal Fisheries Agency Alexander Savelyev indicated that fishing volumes have been adequate, despite the radiation contamination of the water near the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. According to Mr. Savelyev, Russia has no need to look for new sources and areas for fishing because of Japan’s nuclear disaster.
As the situation stands now, Russian companies account for all but 20 percent of supplies for the domestic fish and seafood sector. Alexander Savelyev emphasized that the he sees considerable opportunities to augment the efficiency of catching vessels, as well as to develop aquaculture, especially by realizing joint projects with China.
Last year, Russia set a record for the first time in 15 years, with 4 million tons of fish and seafood products. The consumption of fish products per capita reached the level of 24 kilograms. In the first quarter of 2011, the importation of fish products decreased by 40 percent.