At the end of December 2010, the expert council on technology and innovation zones at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation endorsed the application submitted by Plastic Logic, a world leader in the market segment of plastic electronics, requesting permission to include the company in the Zelenograd SEZ (Special Economic Zone). Plastic Logic intends to set up a facility in Zelenograd to manufacture a new type of plastic electronic screens that will be utilized in assembling e-books, as well as other devices requiring plastic screen technology.
The project entails constructing a research and development facility in cooperation with a number of Russian scientific centers, including the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology. The R&D facility in Russian will work in conjunction with Plastic Logic’s existing center situated in Cambridge.
The production facility will have 667 370 square feet of space. It will have the capacity to produce 5.5 million 2-inch to 14-inch e-books. The state-run nanotechnological company RusNano is involved in the project as an investor, providing the initial contribution of USD 150 million. Altogether, the project is estimated to cost USD 543 million.
Plastic Logic, established in 2000, is a spin-off company from Cambridge University’s Cavendish Laboratory and specializes in polymer transistors and electronics. The company has research and development capabilities based in Cambridge, England, a production facility in Dresden, Germany. Mountain View, California is the home to Plastic Logic’s executive headquarters.