Kabirski is ready to conquer the U.S.
German Kabirski is a very young, yet one of the most extraordinary Russian jewelry brands.
Kabirski’s name has became recognized for the first time in the year 2000, when the previously-unknown designer took the first place at Moscow’s international jewelry show. From that time on German Kabirski won many awards at different competitions and shows. The most recent wins for him are the victory in the jewelry experiment nomination at the JUNWEX-2009 St. Petersburg show and the triumph at the International Jewellery London-2009 with the technical excellence award.
Creations of Kabirski & Co. are unique and unforgettable. His pieces instantly attracted the attention of experts and the people who treasure jewelry with their non-traditional style and were immediately labeled as avant-garde.
His rings, necklaces, and chokers are totally unlike anything one would find in the Russian jewelry mainstream. You will not name him a Faberge of our days. In that sense he belongs to the international community with its trend of globalization.
He plays with geometric shapes and uses the forms in building the concept of his brand. Kabirski’s favorite stones are color sapphires and tourmalines. The stones are lively, colorful, and unlike one another. The designer’s most cherished materials to work with are gold, silver, as well as exotic wood, ceramics, and leather. Of course, German Kabirski also does not neglect diamonds, “the girls’ best friends.” Diamonds are presented with all of their beauty and glimmer in many of his works, especially the high-class exclusive pieces. Most of these jewelry items are not reproduced. Kabirski really does not like the assembly-line approach. Five to ten copies of an item is probably the limit of what would be acceptable to him. Oftentimes, people would buy Kabirski’s rings without regard to size – as collector’s items. There are entire collectors’ clubs that focus on his works.
German Kabirski has the reputation of a man who doesn’t like to promote himself. He just hates the noisy gatherings of famous Russians and never boasts about his VIP clients. He is far from easy to talk to when you have cameras and recorders around. His answers are always laconic. He purposefully moved away from Moscow to the provincial city of Penza and set up his production facilities there – so that he would be able to create in tranquility. Kabirski does have two boutiques in Moscow called Zolotoi nerv (the Golden Nerve). German Kabirski’s company also has production facilities in Thailand. Having production facilities in Thailand gives the designer greater ability to maneuver when shipping products abroad.
Russia’s customs rules and restrictions are not conducive to allowing Russian jewelry brands to enter the world’s markets – it is problematic even to take jewelry pieces out to an exhibit abroad. Still, all exclusive items of German Kabirski are made in Russia.
Every month German designs close to 200 jewelry pieces. His friends want to submit an entry on his behalf to the Guinness Book of World Records as the most productive jewelry designer in the world. He is simply a workaholic. All his pieces are reflections of his mood, his emotions, and his thoughts at a given instant in time.
German Kabirski debuted in the United States at Las Vegas JCK 2007. According to him, the American market is the most desirable market in the world. And he is ready to conquer it.
JA New York – 2009 is his second appearance in the United States.
Contacts in Russia:
3 Tverskaya-Yamskaya st.,
Building no. 7
Moscow, Russia 125047
Tel.: +7 4952516330
Fax: +7 4952516330