The Chairman of the Federation Council’s International Affairs Committee Mikhail Margelov from Russia and his American colleague Bill Bradley discussed the future of inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries.
After the meeting, Senator Margelov said that Russia should take the path of normalizing Russian-American interparliamentary relations, which have been curtailed lately. “We need to restore this communication channel we have lost,” the Russian Senator said.
Bill Bradley shares similar views voiced by his Russian counterpart. According to Senator Margelov, Mr. Bradley agreed with the need for normalizing the relations between the international committees of the Federation Council and the U.S. Senate in short order. He promised political and practical assistance that he could render thanks to his broad connections on Capitol Hill.
The two Russian and American officials discussed some of the positive examples of cooperation between the two countries. They also considered how political cooperation may help the interests of both countries. The vision of partnership may spread far beyond the strictly political agenda. Senator Margelov said that political cooperation between Moscow and Washington could be in African affairs, bringing to memory the peaceful division of Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan. The Russian legislator also believes that Russia could develop successful cooperation in healthcare with the Americans.
The International Education Council (IEC) is an organization promoting programs for student
Mikhail Margelov is the current Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of Russia. He is a member of the United Russia party and has represented the Pskov oblast in the Federation Council since December 2000.
exchanges and providing financial resources for intercultural exchanges between colleges and universities. Bill Bradley advocated for lEC’s role in international relations on Capitol Hill and was a member of the Council. Senator Margelov sympathized with Bradley, stating that student exchanges play an important role in the collaboration between the countries.
The Russian-American University, which was opened in Vladivostok, was a separate item on the agenda. This project has been joined by the leading Russian universities and U.S. institutions.
The two officials have vouched to ease traveling restrictions for students between the U.S. and Russia in order to promote a higher rate of exchange among the specialist and to benefit those specialists wishing to share experience and knowledge.