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Liabilities of Moscow region banks down

The aggregate sum of liabilities of the Moscow region’s banks dropped 4.9%, or by RUR1.039tn, in January-February 2012 to RUR20.091tn ($679.4bn, or (EURO)517.14bn), reported the Central Bank’s Moscow division.

The figures do not include Sberbank.

The deposit base decreased 9%, or by RUR1.018tn, during the specified period, to RUR10.274tn. Its share fell from 44.4% of the aggregate liabilities to 42%.

The biggest decrease was reported in the balance of legal entities’ deposit accounts. Deposits of Russian non-financial companies and organizations fell 12.2%, or by RUR444.2bn, in the first two months of the year. Their share went down from 14.3% at the beginning of 2012 to 13%.

The share of rouble funds in overall deposits grew from 72% to 73.2%. 


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