Mazda, the automobile manufacturer from Japan, entered into a contract with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, which provides for the creation of a vehicle assembly plant in the Far Eastern Russian province of Primorsky krai. According to Mr. Dmitry Levchenkov, who serves as the head of the SEZ (Special Economic Zones) Department of the Economic Development Ministry, the agreement was made effective June 21.
The Japanese automobile producer will invest USD 80 million in the construction of the plant. The plant’s target production range will be from 25 000 to 50 000 automobiles every year. In effect, according to the terms of the agreement with the Ministry, the company would be under an obligation to produce 25 000 cars per year within Russia. Mazda stated that it will have the full production cycle at its plant in Russia. Around 30 percent of the parts to be used in making the cars will also be produced in Russia.
The plant is oriented towards producing Mazda’s popular Mazda 6 vehicles, but will also be able to manufacture other models that have not come out as of yet.