– Mr. Nurgaliev, what basic problems did you have to face four years ago when you became Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Do they still persist today?
– At that moment, the main threats to our country nested in the North Caucasus, where the criminal situation was catalyzing criminal activities in Russia as a whole. I mean not only the weapons, which the criminal militant groups needed badly, but also drugs and the economic sphere that could support terrorist activity in various regions of Russia.
2003 was the most difficult year in this respect, with 561 acts of terrorism committed. That is, on a rough estimate, one or two terrorist attacks daily.
On the other hand, law enforcement bodies confronting these criminal pressures did not recover from the consequences of these negative processes, which took place in the country in the 90s.
The bulky inefficient control system, insufficient material security and, calling a spade a spade, sheer poverty, especially in the lower levels of the law enforcement machine, including inveterate social problems of the personnel. Many qualified employees retired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while those who remained displayed social pessimism and poor attitude towards the service.
I had to see it with my own eyes, since I travelled in the regions constantly from the first year onward. We needed to know the situation as it actually was and not as it was presented in reports.
– What about today? There are different opinions about the situation in the North Caucasus. Some say that terrorist activity is completely suppressed there, others insist that the situation is simply suspended and at a certain moment will go out of control.
– My view of it is that now the criminal underground activity has definitely lost the signs of a large-scale and well-coordinated armed opposition. These days it has been moving towards committing ordinary crimes.
Not only the militia should get the credit for it, of course. In the course of the war on terror we managed to establish close coordination between all law enforcement departments and special services. In 2006, the National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) was founded, raising the efficiency of joint activities aimed at preventing the acts of terrorism, detecting the persons involved in their preparation, and undermining the financial support of terrorists. As a result, the methods of the war on terror have changed considerably. Today, these are rather preemptive measures than assaults of buildings with hostages.
Still, it is too early to celebrate a victory. Terrorism is a global phenomenon and Russia is most likely to face its signs in the future as well, now that it is a part of the global world. One should not forget that each terrorist attack means lost lives of people and maimed destinies. So, while this evil is not eradicated completely, I promise you we will not rest on our laurels.
– You mention also internal problems of law enforcement bodies which you had to face several years ago. To what extent did you manage to address those issues?
– As a matter of fact, comprehensively handling these issues required building an entirely new system of public safety. We worked in several directions at once, including administrative reform, technical and material supplies of law enforcement bodies, as well as finding solutions to social issues.
This work is still far from completion, but I am still glad that certain results have been attained. As a result of the administrative reform of the system of law enforcement bodies, we were able in many respects to remove superfluous functional units, to strengthen operational forces, and to raise the efficiency of auxiliary divisions.
As to the level of material and technical equipment, it visibly grew throughout all these years. This year we intend for the first time to reach a mark of 85%. Again, our primary attention is paid to the lower levels of law enforcement agencies.
– Now that we’ve come to providing law enforcement entities with equipment, I must ask about the introduction of technological advances. Now that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is often called a ministry “focused on new technologies”…
– Life forces us to keep up with the scientific and technological progress. The matter is that criminal activity has changed incredibly these days. The largest organized criminal groups that used to have shootouts in the streets of cities in the 90s are crushed. New kinds of “hi-tech” crimes have appeared. For example, in terms of the United Nations’ classification, there are already about ten kinds of Internet crimes.
The level of equipment of the criminals has increased by an order of magnitude, and we need not only keep up to date, but surmount them technically and technologically. Just for this reason the share of new types of equipment and weapons in the total amount of purchases was almost 30% in 2007, while in 2005 it was only 7%.
We continue to develop the United IT system of law enforcement agencies, which will provide law enforcement forces with the widest information capabilities ranging from instant retrieval of information in specific databases to videoconferencing and launching educational programs for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Also, we managed to strengthen our forensic departments by means of establishing a network of automated laboratories for analysis of DNA and voice identification. We introduced an automated fingerprint information system.
– The Ministry of Internal Affairs declared that in 2006 and 2007 it would not only upgrade equipment but also solve the social problems of the personnel. What are the achievements in this respect?
– Last year the monetary allowance of employees increased on average by almost one third as compared with 2006. In general, the Ministry’s budgets of latest years have a distinct social orientation: over two thirds of the whole budget of the department are various payments and pensions paid to the personnel.
There are certain achievements in handling the housing problem. Last year, 45 apartment complexes were put in operation and the volume of state capital investments in construction has increased as a whole by 50% compared to 2006.
– People don’t flee from the Ministry of Internal Affairs any more, as they did before, do they?
– On the contrary, people come back to law enforcement. Last year, the number of those taken on by law enforcement agencies exceeded the number of those dismissed by 24.6 thousand people. It is apparently impossible to solve all problems of the employees in one day, but we try various methods to give them the necessary support. For a lot of people, stability, social guarantees, career advancement, and the possibility of a free education in the future are very important. Service in law enforcement agencies can provide all this.
– Mr. Nurgaliev, on the day before our meeting the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that for the first time in five years the crime rate in Russia began to decrease. What are the reasons for it – has law enforcement become more efficiency?
– The total rate of crimes registered in 2007 in comparison with 2006 indeed decreased by 7.1%, with heinous crimes decreasing by 10.6%. The number of murders has dropped by 19.1%, the number of cases involving serious bodily injuries has decreased by 7.9%, the number of thefts by 6.6% and the number of robberies by 17.4%.
Speaking of the reasons, yes, law enforcement agencies gained more efficiency. In my opinion, what is more important is that the standards of living in the country improved. The level of employment has grown. In general, people have gained the long-awaited stability; now they do not fear for themselves and their relatives; they do not live one day at a time any more.
In any case, this does not mean that we can afford not to be on alert in the future. Our population is shrinking by almost a million people a year. As demographers forecast, by 2050, we will have about 100-120 million people. Only one fiftieth of the Earth’s population will occupy one seventh of the land mass. Compare this to China, for example, where one fifth of the world’s population lives on one fifteenth of the land. At the latest economic forum in Davos the issue of the growing struggle for basic resources was revisited more than once. It is a question of energy, foodstuffs, water – everything which our country is rich in. And we can see that others are trying to force us from the Arctic region or even from Siberia, saying the territories should belong to the whole world community, now that they are not developed by us. And the less in number we are, the louder we will need to be.
– Some demographers say that the only way out for Russia is a mass influx of immigrants...
– Last year we simplified the immigration procedures for foreign citizens who intend to obtain legal status in the Russian Federation. It became much easier to apply for immigration registration and acquire a work permit. In just a year, the Federal Migration Service of Russia registered almost 8 million persons. But there are certain questions that arise here – who exactly is coming to us, for what purpose and whether Russia should choose those whom it needs or accept everyone? I would like to emphasize that I am not a supporter of uncontrolled immigration; all the same, we are to rely on our own forces.
I am convinced that the national projects aimed at increasing the birth rate will be successful. But this will show itself only in the future. The death rate of our citizens must be reduced right now, and this is precisely what the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been pursuing for years.
– Last March you talked about one aspect of this work, the federal target program “Increase of traffic safety” which was implemented to reduce the death-rate of traffic accidents by 50% by 2012. Is the program being carried out as planned?
– In 2006 and 2007 it was intended to develop the scientific, organizational, and legislative foundation of the program. This stage is completed. Upon the initiative of the R.F. Ministry of Internal Affairs, the federal law “Concerning amendments to the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation” was prepared. As you know, its provisions, having entered into legal force on January 1, provide for the tightening of penalties imposed on drivers for drunken driving, on those not licensed to drive or those deprived of driving privileges, and also on repeated drunk-driving offenders.
We are often criticized because of the so-called repressive measures against drivers, but this is entirely incorrect. We are doing tremendous preventive and explanatory work. In 2008 we even plan to realize a national communication project related to the problem of traffic mortality. I cannot force myself to pity a driver arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. At least we can be sure these people are not going to kill children with their cars during the 15 days that they are detained.
I will repeat myself and say that the federal target program is not limited to the legislative tightening of liability. The program provides for enhancements aimed at increasing traffic capacity, installing new traffic signs, as well as building additional pedestrian crossings. Large-scale introduction of traffic video surveillance systems is under way. By July of the current year, about 500 visual control zones will be established all over Russia by means of fixed video surveillance systems. Also, 400 mobile units will be providing control over the traffic situation on the highways. We will also need to overcome traffic jams which have already become a nightmare for large Russian cities, and we intend to detect stolen vehicles more easily.
We would not like the law enforcement bodies to have a purely punitive image in society.
– Is it for this reason that the Ministry of Internal Affairs so often addresses the preventive maintenance matter?
– Yes, in this respect we are implementing another large-scale and socially relevant project, the establishment of the state system of preventive measures against crimes. Today, there are temporary headquarters in Moscow with working groups operating in regions in the sphere of preventive measures. But we intend to involve not only state bodies, but also educational, social, and medical institutions, public associations, and the business community.
In Russia, the problem of preventive measures against crime is closely related to children’s homelessness and child neglect. The children and teenagers constitute the basic target audience of our preventive activity. Now we are evaluating the idea of family inspectors who would be authorized to exercise preventive measures against domestic violence, detection of family problems, and protection of children against victimization by parents.
– You touch upon a very serious matter, which can hardly be solved if there is no general understanding in our society as to the reasons for the actions of law enforcement. Several years ago you formulated the key problem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – lack of confidence of the society in law enforcement. Is this problem still as sharp as it was then?
– To begin with, let’s define a reference point. When analyzing the problem of the citizens’ confidence in law enforcement agencies we started from the concept that only citizens of Russia should estimate the completeness and quality of the work of the police. According to the Public Opinion Institute, in 2003 more than half of those participating in a nation-wide poll (54%) thought that law enforcement agencies functioned poorly. In 2007, this rate has gone down to 34%. The number of those who, on the contrary, estimate the work of law enforcement agencies as satisfactory, has grown since 2003 by 7%. Today, the rate of those who think so is 39%, thus surpassing for the first time those who are dissatisfied with the Ministry’s work.
– Are you personally satisfied with such results? After all, judging by the figures you provide, a large part of society does not have confidence in law enforcement agencies?
– Confidence is a thing you should be extremely patient and incredibly diligent to gain, while losing it in a flash is no problem. Unfortunately, at some moment in the past, the latter was the case with law enforcement, as with other state establishments.
I would say that the reputation of law enforcement agencies among the Russian citizens and the assessment of how they actually perform their duties is indeed improving slowly, which is why we need to make more efforts. At the same time, we are surely moving in the right direction. The most important result for us is that, according to the data of the All-Russian Center of Public Opinion Surveys, twice as many citizens as in 2003 are now ready to seek help from law enforcement agencies.
– Is it justifiable to suggest that the new attitude was formed as a result of the policy of openness that the Ministry of Internal Affairs adopted?
– Yes. An active, practical and reasonable dialogue with civil society institutions is what we need so much nowadays. The Social Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which comprises members of the Public Chamber, prominent scientists, representatives of the public, remedial and religious organizations, trade unions, intellectuals, and the mass media, plays a considerable role here. I am convinced that their weighty opinion will help us gain more efficiency in solving the issues related to the protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens and form impartial public opinion about law enforcement agencies.
By the way, the new information technologies which we discussed some time before again turn out to be immensely helpful. The official website of the Ministry contributes to the freedom of information about our work. Any citizen can enter the web site to obtain information about a stolen motor vehicle, lost documents, children and elderly persons who were found, as well as other data, which could help to prevent fraudulent activities, stolen goods dealing, unfair transactions, and other offences.
Today, a newly established service “My local officer” allows people living in many regions of Russia to send their respective officer messages, forms, and requests by email. The interest of citizens towards the Ministry’s Internet site has considerably increased lately, with around 6 500 daily visitors.
– Will it someday be possible to submit a petition to law enforcement bodies through the Internet, for example, to file a complaint about an extortion committed by, say, an inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate?
– At the present moment, there is no legislative regulation for all aspects of electronic document management, which prevents official circulation of electronic documents. However, I think this is a matter of time. So far as we are discussing the struggle against law infringements by the employees of law enforcement bodies, I will share with you a very important piece of information. Last year 40% of the total number of law enforcement personnel who broke the law were brought before a court of law based on the evidence produced by the internal security service, while 60% were prosecuted upon the citizens’ petitions. This gives us two conclusions that are extremely important. First, not only are citizens no longer afraid of complaining about the actions of law enforcement authorities, but also they hope to be heard. Secondly, the government is becoming more and more accountable to the people. This means that the civil society in Russia is maturing. I am sure that the policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs aimed at the enhancement of openness contributes to it to a certain degree.
– As a representative of the mass media I can only confirm this: recently the Agency of Economic News interviewed Russian journalists. As the poll showed, today, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is indeed “the most accessible and public-friendly federal state body, which provides timely, high-quality and reliable information about its activity.” But there is also another side of the coin. Today, you spoke a lot about preventive measures, about dealing with children and teenagers, about new technologies. Why don’t we see this on TV? Television channels reduce their coverage of law enforcement activity to bare situation reports obviously spiced up with as much blood as possible.
– This is a very timely question. I also watch TV and do not really understand why there are so many criminal TV series and to whom they are actually targeted. Besides, their quality leaves so much to be desired. Many of them show the period of the so-called gangster capitalism in Russia with all its relevant attributes: murders, shootouts, and so on. Is there a great public demand for dissected corpses? Do we feel nostalgia for the times when one could not safely leave the home? Certainly, I understand that channels struggle for an audience. At the same time, they are primarily responsible for forming the tastes of this audience. This is a bilateral process, after all!
The same, unfortunately, is true of news and documentary programs. Only the picture is not from a movie script but from real life. It happens sometimes that crime-scene footage is broadcast on TV before the case is investigated and tried. This is absolutely intolerable, and we will address this issue in the near future.