business affairs, they most definitely can help in stimulating business.
Altogether, according to Ambassador Beyrle, it would be the job of the Russian and the U.S. governments to establish the rules of conducting business, explain how they work, but then leave the market participants to their own devices without interfering in their business. “Such work is needed to assist the business communities in Russia and the U.S. to understand the existing rules,” Ambassador Beyrle has said in an interview to Rossiiskaya Gazeta
The Ambassador noted that there exists strong political support from private companies and the government sector on both sides. In the absence of clear political support coming from the highest levels of government in both countries, businesspeople would be more reluctant to take the first step to begin engaging in commercial relationships with their potential counterparts in the U.S. or Russia. At the same time, the Ambassador reassured his audience of readers that the relevant political messages coming from the top leadership in the White House and the Kremlin at the present time can be easily understood.