In some one and a half to two years, oil rigs will be produced in the Kostroma region, according to the announcement of the NOV Kostroma company’s management. The implementation of the investment project to build a rig factory is done in association with National Oilwell Varco in Volgorechensk. The volume of investment at the beginning will reach nearly three billion roubles. The factors that influenced the venue choice of the investor include the good geographical location of the region, through which the federal highways and railways run, as well as the availability of river transportation. In addition, there are schools that train engineers and other needed specialists, the report of the regional government said. The administration of the Kostroma region fully supports the project of National Oilwell Varco in Volgorechensk. About 28 million roubles will be allocated from the newly created regional investment fund for the construction of an access road to the company’s future production site.