Until recently, the RusRating ratings agency belonged to Richard Hainsworth and his partners. Mr. Hainsworth recently sold RusRating to Alexander Zaytsev, the former vice president of Troika Dialog. The details of the transaction are unknown to the public yet.
RusRating declared RUR19.6 million in revenues for 2012, which was 12 percent more compared to the previous year.
In 2008 and 2009, the ratings agency earned RUR24 million and RUR27.4 million respectively.
Mr. Hainsworth intends to create a new credit ratings agency in Hong Kong, where he is moving shortly. Work on organizing the new ratings agency already took six months. So far, Chinese, American, and Russian ratings agencies Dagong Global, Egan-Jones, and RusRating agreed to pool their resources to create a new international agency Universal Credit Rating Group (UCRG). The competitors of the new entity will be Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch.
Mr. Hainsworth started working in Russia in 1982. In 1996, he became the head of the Thomson Bank Watch agency in Moscow. After 2000, Mr. Hainsworth worked as the vice president of Citibank, managing credit risks.