The European Union and Russia expect to enter into an agreement on easing the visa regime before the end of the year.
According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, Russia has reached an agreement with the European Union on simplifying the visa regime. The Minister indicated that the Russian diplomats are pushing for a comprehensive agreement to limit the need for visas to the broadest category of Russian citizens possible.
During the summit between Russia and the European Union that took place in the end of May, the Russian side presented a proposal to the European officials for doing away with visas completely. Speaking at the Summit, President Medvedev noted that Russia would be free to phase out visa requirements for Europeans as early as the next day, provided that the European counterparts would be in a position to reciprocate.
Minister Lavrov also emphasizes that Russia would be able to go along with a visa-free regime whenever the European Commission will be prepared for it and when Russia itself will make the requisite decision on registering biometric passports. Additionally, the topic of readmission protocols needs to be addressed.
A final round of top-level negotiations to create a list of common steps towards visa free short-term travel for Russian and E.U. citizens took place on July 12, 2011 in Brussels. The Russian delegation was headed by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department for European Cooperation. The head of the E.U. delegation was Mr. Stefano Manservisi, Director General for Home Affairs at the European Commission. In the course of negotiations, the two sides agreed on the draft of the common steps, which is now to be presented to relevant authorities of both parties for consideration and endorsement. Russian officials are optimistic that visa-free travel may be a reality by the end of 2011.