The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev stated that the claims made by certain American media outlets as to the involvement of Russian security services in the terrorist attacks in Georgia are outright “lies.” In an interview to the TV channels of First Caucasus and Russian Today, as well as the radio station Ekho Moskvy, the Russian head of state said that allegations as to Russia’s role in explosions that rocked Georgia several months ago are nothing but “rubbish, lies, and provocation.”
The Russian leader also brushed aside comments appearing in the press that his European counterparts raised the Georgian issue with him recently. “No country leader has ever mentioned this topic recently,” Medvedev noted. “Perhaps it is going to be a little maddening for Georgia, but I’m going to tell you truthfully: now, this Georgian subject isn’t on the list of my talks with the E.U. leaders. It was indeed difficult in 2008, as there had been this conflict. Now it is just a non-issue.”
The Interior Ministry of Georgia claimed in March of 2011 that explosions in Georgia in the fall of 2010 were organized by a major of the Russian foreign military intelligence agency named Evgeny Borisov.
The Washington Times published reports in July of 2011 that claimed the Central Intelligence Agency confirmed Russia’s participation in the explosions outside the American Embassy in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. Last fall, explosions did rock Tbilisi near the Embassy of the United States, at the headquarters of the opposition party, and on a railway. The explosions resulted in one casualty. The terrorists also placed bombs at the entrance to the main television station in the capital and in several other places, but these devices never detonated.
The Georgian Ministry of Interior identified and apprehended the terrorists behind the attacks, who were all ethnic Georgians out of the province of Abkhazia. Georgian authorities claimed that the attacks were executed at the request of GRU Major Borisov, who is being sought by the Interpol organization.
On hearing these allegations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia issued a statement to the effect that the unfounded accusations by the Georgian side were made specifically to embolden anti-Russian sentiments.