Rusal Armenal has set a new goal to increase its production of aluminum foil to 33,600 tons. The company hopes to achieve this result by the year 2015.
Vyacheslav Sinelnikov, who heads Rusal Armenal, indicated in a recent press release that the company was expecting to produce more than 27,000 tons of aluminum foil in the year 2013. If the company could achieve this result, then it could produce 33,600 tons of aluminum by 2015. While high, none of these figures is far from the level of current production.
In the same press release, Sinelnikov also stated there are certain issues that led to difficulties in producing aluminum foil. An example of one such barrier would be the rising cost of energy. The cost problem notwithstanding, Rusal expects to perform better than average because the implementation of new plans will increase overall productivity. Desired enhancements to Rusal Armenal’s business model include a more efficient utilization of the technical resources and an increase in workers. The combined effect of these changes would be a rapid boost in productivity, and the company would be able to achieve its goal.
In order to achieve its target production level, Rusal Armenal is going to put in an investment exceeding USD9.5 million in the project. The funds will be used to upgrade existing equipment. New machinery will also be installed. A new plant will be set up for filtering and regenerating the lubricant used in cooling the machinery. This will reduce operational cost by USD3.2 million because the need to import the liquids will be substantially lessened.
Of the company’s total manufactured product, almost 80 percent is exported to the United States. A small percentage is also sold to European and Middle Eastern countries.
Rusal Armenal is the only company that produces aluminum foil in the Caucasus and the Central Asian region. The Kanaker Aluminum plant is the company’s main facility, of which it took joint ownership in 2000. Other plants include Ural Foil, Sayansk Foil, and Sayanl.
Rusal Armenal is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian aluminum giant Rusal, which runs an aluminum foil mill in the Arabkir district of Yerevan, Armenia.