The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently published a report that stated that the shale oil resources that Russia has total almost 75 billion barrels, which is the largest value for any county in the world.
The total shale oil resources in the world are almost equal to 345 billion barrels. In fact, of all the oil resources that are outside the United States, half are located in just four countries: China, Argentina, Libya, and Russia. These statistics were given in another EIA report.
On the list of the largest shale oil resources in the world, Russia is followed by the U.S. which has over 58 billion barrels. The third country on the list is China, with oil resources totaling 32 billion barrels. Argentina has the fourth slot with almost 27 billion barrels, followed by Libya with 26 billion barrels.
In shale gas, China is home to the most easily recoverable gas resources that occupy an area of 1,115 trillion cubic feet. The other countries that are included in the top five are Argentina, Algeria, the United States, and Canada. Argentina has almost 800 trillion cubic feet of shale gas resources; Algeria has 707, the U.S. has 665, and Canada has 573. Russia occupies the ninth position on the list, with gas resources comprising 285 trillion cubic feet. The total shale gas re-sources in the world are 7,299 trillion cubic feet.