Fortune included seven companies from Russia on the list of the biggest companies on the planet. The Fortune Global 500 report ranks companies by revenue. Gazprom was placed on the 35th spot among the companies ranked by Fortune. LUKoil is number 69, Rosneft is number 179, TNK-BP is number 235, Russia’s Sberbank is number 298, Sistema is number 342, and Surgutneftegas is number 496. Furthermore, Sberbank has made it to the Fortune 50 list of 50 largest commercial banking establishments. The bank is in the fifteenth place. In 2010, the bank’s profits totaled USD 6 billion.
Sistema, the largest publicly-traded financial company on the Russian market with a very diverse portfolio was included on Fortune’s list of 50 most rapidly growing companies measured by revenue. The company was ranked at number 26, with USD 28 billion in revenue reported last year.