Russia’s nuclear materials and nuclear services exporter Techsnabexport estimates that in 2010 it will supply uranium products worth USD 1 billion. Atomenergoprom, the only shareholder of Techsnabexport expects three contracts for the delivery of nuclear fuel to be signed soon.
In 2009, the company made 6 contracts with U.S. companies for USD 3 billion. Techsnabexport made a contact with Constellation Energy Nuclear Group for services and supplies from 2015 to 2025. The company also made a contract with Exelon Generation Company LLC that will be performed from 2014 to 2020.
The export of uranium products within the next five years, exclusive of supplies under megatons-to-megawatts contracts, will be around
USD 8 billion. The company’s portfolio included USD 15 billion at the end of 2009. The company’s orders are expected to go up to USD 20 billion by 2010.
Techsnabexport also carries on its relationship with the United States Enrichment Corporation under the megatons-to-megawatts contract. Russia ships to the U.S. highly-enriched uranium taken from nuclear warheads in diluted form for use as nuclear power plant fuel. The contract, which provides for the delivery of 500 tons of weapons-grade material diluted with natural uranium will continue in effect until 2013.
The agreement has been in force between Russia and the U.S. since 1993. By 2009, Tekhsnabexport has received payments of USD 8.8 billion for materials and services rendered under the agreement. USD 2.8 billion of natural uranium has been returned from the United States to Russia.
Also, during 2009, Tekhsnabexport made several long-term contracts for the supply of low grade uranium to the countries of the European Union and the Asia-Pacific region. The value of those agreements is estimated at USD 7.5 billion.
Within the framework of the megatons-to-megawatts program, Tekhsnabexport supplied over USD 2 billion worth of nuclear materials during 2009. Approximately USD 900 million went to the Russian state budget.