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U.S. Belarusian nuclear cooperation

Sergei Martynov, Belarus Foreign Minister

The government of Belarus would be prepared to conduct negotiations with American companies if it decides to reject the project plan proposed by Russia. According to the statement on Belarusian-American relation made by the head diplomats of the two countries in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, the United States would back the decision of Belarus to construct a nuclear power station. Both countries committed to deepening international cooperation in the nuclear energy sector in compliance with international standards and additional bilateral agreements. Such bilateral agreements will be a subject of further discussion. At the present time, Belarus has bilateral agreements relating to peaceful nuclear cooperation only with Russia and with China.

Belarus government officials believe that if the plans for the construction of the nuclear power plant go forward, the U.S.-Japanese company Westinghouse-Toshiba will most likely be chosen as the contractor for the job.

Still, Belarus has not yet declined Russia’s offer. The head of Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko is reported to have said that the package of documents for the construction of a plant in Belarus is in the final stages of compilation. 

On December 1, the Foreign Minister of Belarus Sergei Martynov met with Hillary Clinton and the two officials issued a joint statement. The United States commended Belarus on its decision to construct the nuclear power station and offered words of encouragement for intensifying the implementation and commercialization of the project.

At the same time, it is unclear if plans for cooperation will go forward in the aftermath of Belarusian presidential elections. The U.S. responded with sharp criticism against Belarusian authorities over their response to political unrest in Minsk.  


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