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Changing Open Source CodephpYellow has some unencrypted open source code written in text format. You may change the code to suit yourself (subject to the license). When changing open source code:
Non-invasive HTML editors
A few popular HTML editors - which previously included Microsoft Frontpage and
others - changed the source code on every page loaded. The change
could be minimal, for example adding line breaks, non-breaking spaces or non visible output.
However the result of an invasive change can be and frequently is the failure
of php scripts to run. If your scripts fail to work then this is an issue. The solution is
to use a non-invasive HTML editor - or to use the options within your editor to turn
non-invasive mode on.
What HTML editor can be used?
You may also browse http://www.download.com and find other good html editors. ConstantsTo customize the constants on util.php will make the most initial dramatic change to your directory. Constants like IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, your BENEFIT and other highly visible data may be changed in util.php or in admin > Setup > Edit Configuration CSS - Cascasding Style sheet - generic.cssMake directory wide changes to html tags using a css editor like TopStyle. Tags like <h1>, <p>, <ul>, <table>, <td> and many others are easily changed across all pages using just a css editor and just one main file - generic.css. You may also create your own .class styles. Front pageIt is common to customize the front page. Open up index.php and modify to suit. Make sure your editor opens php files in "non-invasive" mode. Any other mode may change your php code and cause the application to fail. In such cases the normal remedy is to replace the file and start afresh. Search TypeBrowse search.php to see available search types. At last count there were seven different searches you could use in the Pro Edition. Search Default
The default search is set in util.php
Combine two or more search typesYou may also build your own search default by combining two or more search types. Open searchDefault.php in an editor to view more help about changing the default search. Refer back to the search.php page for examples.Search by BizSearch by Biz is used as the default Lite Edition search. More information on how to edit is here.Change the data shownWhen search results are shown certain data is shown. You can change the data shown. Edit listing template in the /templates folderAll data in the database is available. You decide what data to display by modifying the look and feel of these files:
For variable names to use when changing the data shown see the database create table definition. Change the structure of the page layoutphpYellow is designed with a "horseshoe" structure like this:![]() To change, edit in codeview and uncomment or comment out the unwanted files left or right.php (use 2 php forward slashes like this: // ) |