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Install Helper

The Install Helper assists you in installing the Lite or Pro edition. To install do this:
  1. download the zip file
  2. unzip the zip file
  3. make a /phpyellow folder on your web server
  4. upload the zip file from your local machine to your web server into the /phpyellow folder you just created
  5. open your favorite browser and surf to
  6. follow the directions
The Install Helper expects you to have already created an empty database. Ask your internet service provider for a mySQL database if you don't already have one. The Helper automatically sets up database tables and inserts test records.


Permissions control access to your website files. phpYellow needs permission changes:
  1. the util.php file needs to allow a script to read & write to it
  2. the /userlogo folder needs to allow a script to read & write to it
name file or folder purpose requires start value
util.php file defines directory wide settings script read & write 666
userlogo folder allows customer images script read & write 777

What to do if the suggested value gives an error?

Operating systems differ. Values that work on one web server may not work on another web server. If a permission error is found then the best way to resolve the issue is to:
  1. grant full access, CHMOD 777 the file or folder
  2. test to see the new permission effect
  3. increase the security level of CHMOD until you find the permission that gives the most protection and also allows the required purpose/operation.
If you see 'Permission denied' warnings that is your cue to manually set the permissions as above. If you are unsure how to change permissions then you may ask your internet service provider (ISP) how to do so, or refer to the ISP online documentation.

Elapsed Time to Install

A novice with minimal PHP coding experience can install phpYellow in about 45 minutes. Installation services are also offered for a fee.

For errors see the FAQ.

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