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  2. EDIT
  10. EMAIL

    Where is the util.php file?
    > Warning: main(util.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mddir/public_html/phpyellow/index.php on line 1

    > Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'util.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mddir/public_html/phpyellow/index.php on line 1

    The Install Helper asks you to rename util-dist.php to util.php . This is a check to make sure you have entered your database connection data. One cannot simply click thru the install script, one must actually enter the database connection values into util-dist.php, rename as util.php and save and upload this file to the server.

    What does "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" mean - and how do I resolve it?

    > Warning: main(/www/phpyellow/templates/search_needle_in_haystack.php):
    > failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
    > /usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpyellow/templates/header.php on line 26

    Failed to open means the specified file could not be located. In the case of a missing search_needle_in_haystack.php file this normally means the web dir you created during setup is wrong. The solution is to modify the web dir. To do so: login to administration > Setup > Edit Configuration > Site administrator settings > web dir. Enter and submit the value that is the path to your phpyellow web folder, example: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/phpyellow/ . Note that you can use the text shown in your error statement up to and including the /phpyellow folder. The web dir should end with a forward slash.

    What does "Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect" mean?
    This means your web server is configured to disallow the inclusion of files from other folders. Here are possible ways to resolve:
    1. turn off the basedir restriction on your web server so that it allows applications to include files from other folders.
    2. install version 3.86 which has almost all files in the same directory. This effectively bypasses the basedir_ restriction.
    3. modify vhost.conf for your circumstance, or ask your host isp to do so
    This base_dir issue is a serious configuration drawback that determines if you can run our phpYellow 4.x software. If not resolved, then you must run a 3.x version to avoid the base_dir restriction.

  2. EDIT

    Can I edit phpYellow with my favorite HTML editor?
    In general, you can edit phpYellow forms using your editor IF THE EDITOR IS IN NON-INVASIVE MODE. The phpYellow PHP source code must not be changed. Often this requires that you change your editor configuration to a setting which is non-invasive. Your editor may or may not have this ability to change to a non-invasive setting.

    For example, Macromedia DreamWeaverTM needs to be set in non-invasive mode or else it will silently change and break the phpYellow source code without you knowing. The same is or has been true of other editors, such as Microsoft MSFrontpageTM. If you use these - or other editors - in WYSIWYG view they will break the code, unless the editor has some setting which can be used to prevent such code corruption. You can open any PHP source code into a plain text editor (one that does not add special formatting, for example Windows NotepadTM) and safely make and save changes, however this requires expert knowledge of HTML and PHP source code programming. Such work can also be outsourced to or to many other PHP programming firms.

    I used my HTML editor and now my directory no longer works, what do I do?
    The normal procedure for fixing problems created by your editor is to upload a fresh file from the distribution package.

    How do I know what files to edit?
    Many customizable files are found in the /templates folder.

    Use the SHOWFILENAMES feature to have your directory display filenames and included filenames. You can toggle this feature on or off in administration. Login to admin, then Setup > Edit Configuration > Site administrator settings > show filenames > on. Displays or does not display filenames and some included filenames. Useful for page edit when you need to find the name of an included page. The display of the name is configurable (for example to a small font size) by editing the CSS file called generic.css and the class object called filename. Set show filenames > off for live production use.

    How do I use the horseshoe page layout?
    Using the horsehoe layout requires PHP programming knowledge. When activated this structure looks like a horseshoe with a distinct top, left and right shape. Almost every page contains a table structure. The table has at least one table row with 3 table cells. The core application content is placed in the middle table cell by default and should not be changed. The files left.php and right.php are included in the left and right table cells, and you may find these commented out with 2 forward slashes. The left.php and right.php are intended to contain or to be replaced by your own code or file/s.

    For example, in the case of the page called recent.php if the comment is removed
    ... by removing the 2 leading slashes ... then the file left.php will show. You may edit left.php or right.php to suit your tastes. Alternatively, you can delete this line and paste in your own custom code for this page. As a result, the horseshoe structure lets you custom tailor html/PHP content for the left and right sides of most pages. We can also customize your specific horseshoe pages for a custom fee, inquire for details.


    How can I enable the display of logos or images in my directory?
    Images and Logos are turned on or off by the webmaster by logging into admin > Setup > Edit Configuration > Image settings > use images > on ... then Submit.

    Images are by default displayed in silver, gold and sponsor listing types but not in bronze. Modify these files in /templates as needed.

    How do I change the logo seen at the top of every page?
    To change the logo:
    1. put your new logo into images/
    2. save new logo file as Directory_online_head.jpg overwriting old file
    3. edit /templates/header.php
    4. replace the src width and height with your new values
    5. save header.php and upload to /templates

    One of my images is scrambled and doesn't appear correctly, what should I do?
    Sometimes the image is corrupted being transferred from your local workstation to the web server. Sometimes that process can result in a scrambled image. The resolution is to get a fresh image copy and upload the fresh image to the web server. Then test to see if that works.

    The effect of this upload can be sometimes obscured by your browser and or web server cache which still may show an old image even if a new image exists. The solution in these cases is to use another browser type - example Netscape instead of IE - or remove the cache from your existing browser using Tools > Options > Temporary Internet Files > Delete , and then close your browser and reopen the URL with a new browser.

    If all else fails then delete the image, then browse the page the image is on until the image no longer shows (except for the text placeholder), then upload the fresh image, close your browser, open your browser and load the page again.


    How do I get all the listing data for my phpyellow pages?
    The software is installed by you and this creates a handful of test records. The real data is added by you and or your customers via the register page:

    We do not currently offer a data supply service although if you have data we can provide data migration services. A typical customer will want to create a unique niche directory with listings only of interest to the niche market you are serving. For example, if you created a Carribean Yellow Pages site, you would only want listings from the Caribbean, and not out of that geographic region.

    Similarly, if you made a tradesman directory, you wouldn't want non-tradesman listed. So, typically you and your customers add your own listings which makes your directory a very special one tailored to the needs of your market.

    How do I migrate my phpYellow 3.x database data?
    Migration is built into the install script. When you come to the 'New' or 'Upgrade'? page click on 'Migrate 3.x Records' white button. The application does the migration automatically.

    Alternatively we can install the new files and migrate the data (not customize) for an additional and NOT included in license purchase installation fee. More info:

    What tables and fields are used in the database?
    See the mySql database create table definitions.

    How do I make the status show in admin > Manage Listings > Edit Listing?
    The field called STATUS should be named status (lowercase). Changing the field name back to 'status' reverses this. Paste the following into admin > Misc. > EasySQL > into the EasySQL textarea box, and submit.
    alter table p4_listing change STATUS status enum('pending','approved','expired') default 'approved'


    Is there a particular area in the admin section to configure the payment options?
    Login to the admin area and use Setup > Edit Configuration > Payment settings and submit.

    What payment gateways can I use for credit card by internet?
    You can choose any processor you like. We can write code to connect to your chosen gateway. The code to connect to your chosen gateway will require additional payment not included in a license purchase. Please inquire by sending us the name of the gateway you want to use. We will tell you our price to connect to that gateway. More info:

    Some live gateways we have connected to include and and and the order taking website at .

    What payment code is included with the software? I'm confused about the price for payment integration with my payment gateway processor?
    The paypal software code is free and included. The paypal code will run 'out of the box', by simply adding your paypal address in admin.php > Setup > Edit Configuration. If however you use some payment gateway which is NOT paypal and you [optionally] want us to set it up, then that is when additional payment gateway integration fees could apply.

    payment gateway integration - the programming time and expense to setup phpYellow with any existing processor account - is not free and is not included. The fee for payment gateway integration applies to your optional request for us to setup your non Paypal payment gateway account to work with phpYellow.

    Also see api.php which describes how to integrate phpYellow with any gateway processor.


    How does your yellow page db do with search engine rankings?
    Search engines will pick up all the static front end pages such as index.php, home.php, recent.php, add.php, top15.php, search.php, terms_of_use.php, privacy.php and contactus.php. For example, use and enter the search word: phpYellow. Google - but perhaps not inferior search engines - will also pick up database generated results and special character results.

    How do I optimize phpYellow for search engines?
    Search engine optimization is a huge subject. Look here for more information: Pay special attention to the title and meta tags of each phpYellow page and customize to suit. You may also want to look at optimizing the way your server represents web addresses, by looking at Apache's mod_rewrite or other similar tools such as ForceType.

    What happens if someone searches and the results yield 100 results? Are all 100 results listed on one page or is their some way you can control how many listings appear on a page before the users has to click a next button?
    You set the RECORDSPERPAGE as site administrator. Do this by:
    Login to admin > Setup > Edit Configuration > General directory settings > records per page

    We suggest a maximum RECORDSPERPAGE value of 25, less is better. Many users won't bother to scroll, they will load the next page instead.

    How does the 'Find Needle in Haystack' search work?
    The upper right search box expects you to choose the needle to look for, and indicate the database field (the haystack) to search in. If the needle is not found the needle could be found in other haystacks. The search script looks in the haystack you choose.

    How do I pass querystring variables to the Hyper Search?


    How do I get a listing to show up under multiple categories?
    Login to the client control panel, click 'Add Listings' and submit. To locate customer login data go admin > Manage Accounts > Actions > Preview Account

    Do I have control over the order that the listings appear in?
    Yes you have control over the order that the listings appear in. The listing types are ordered by default. A sponsor listing will always come first, followed by gold, silver and bronze. These files are found in the /templates folder like sponsor.php, gold.php and so on. You can rename the listing types. You can remove unwanted listing types.

    Where is a list of fields [aka columns] that I can access?
    The create table definitions identify each field used by the application. The 2 tables of most interest are the listing table called 'p4_listing' and the account table called 'p4_contact'. Click here to view:

    By choosing bronze, silver or gold [or other] listing types you are really changing the number value of the variable called $rank. Rank of 1 is silver. The logic of the application has a different listing template shown for each different listing type. Accordingly, bronze listing types use the /templates/bronze.php file. Ditto for silver, gold and sponsor.

    How do give my customers a default silver (or higher) listing - instead of the default bronze listing?
    The default rank for listings added to your directory is the number 0. To make all new listings start at a higher rank change the rank to a higher number. You may do so by pasting this code into EasySQL as accessed from admin > EasySQL


    Use a higher number to set a higher default. Acceptable range is 0 through 2:

    Default listing rank values

    Listing type Rank
    Bronze 0
    Silver 1
    Gold 2

    How do I set all existing directory listings to another rank?

    Login to admin > EasySQL and submit this code:

    UPDATE p4_listing SET rank=1

    I read that advertisers can list in multiple categories. Does this apply to cities as well? For instance, if I have an advertiser that wants to be listed under real estate and mortgage in New York and California, is this possible or too complicated to accomplish with this program?
    If you create a category called 'New York - Real Estate' and 'California - Real Estate' then yes you can list in these categories, and sell upgraded listings within these - gold, silver, bronze listings etc. You cannot buy the keyword 'New York - Real Estate' you may only create a category for this and sell the category ranking (by way of the listing type).

    How do I change formatting and address data in listings shown in searches?
    The record and address formatting is changed by changing the template the address is on. There are a number of templates corresponding to the listing type the user data is on. For example, a Bronze listing may be changed by editing templates/bronze.php Similar changes may be made to silver, gold, sponsor and the other template files.

    How can the website link NOT open a new window?
    The website link new window is made by the code target="_blank" (or its php equivalent). The website link is found in silver.php, gold.php and sponsor.php. The website link is found in several places (including the image) in each of these files. bronze.php does NOT contain a website link by default and this helps differentiate free and paid listings. To remove the new window remove the code target="_blank" from each link in each file.

    How or where can I edit the map link to do a target="_blank"?
    The map link can be modified to open in a new browser window. To do so use this code:

    echo"\nGet Map\n

    The map link should be changed in each of /templates/silver.php, gold.php, sponsor.php and if used then change miniwebpage /mwp/mwp_personal.php.

    There is a link from the search results page to the detailed listing. How is it possible for the detailed listing to NOT open in a new window?
    Change the behavior in templates/single_line.php by removing the code target="_blank" where the search_detail.php page is linked like this:

    <a href="search_detail.php?ckey=<?php echo $ckey;?>" target="_blank">

    The windowed link is found in two instances in templates/single_line.php.

    How do I remove "*Test becomes Gold" ?
    This is just a temporary testing option. To remove, to to admin.php, Setup > Edit Configuration > Listing types and uncheck the Test listing type, and Submit.

    Tell me more about the Mini Webpage feature?
    The mini webpage is considered experimental and the code is offered on an "as is" basis. PHP programming capability is required to use this feature. Some production sites use the Mini Web Page as a key selling point for their directory. More info:

    How do I make a Mini Webpage listing?
    To make a listing a mini webpage listing type login to admin, click Manage Accounts, find the account, click Manage Listings, find the listing, and edit the listing by selecting a Listing Type of Mini Webpage. Here's how to find it:

    admin > Main > Manage Accounts > Actions > Manage Listings > Edit Item > Listing Type
    1. login to administration phpyellow/admin/admin.php
    2. click on the Manage Accounts button
    3. under Actions click on 'Manage Listings'
    4. click 'Edit Item' icon
    5. change 'Listing Type' to 'Mini Web Page'
    6. submit
    Changing listing types won't work unless the permission is changed on util.php to allow file writes CHMOD 666.


    How do I approve upgrade requests from customers?
    For listings which are queued [moderated, they require your approval] Login to /admin and click Approve Listings > Actions > Edit item.

    No automatic payment
    For listings which are not queued and not automatically processed, login to admin > Manage Accounts > Actions > Manage Listings > Actions > Edit item.


    How do I reset my admin username or password?

    You can reset your password by:
    1. ftp util.php to your local machine
    2. make a backup util.php and put it somewhere safe
    3. find these CONSTANTS:

      define("ADMINUSER", "change_this");
      define("ADMINPASSWORD", "change_this");
    4. enter your new user and password where it says 'change this'
    5. ftp saved util.php file back to your web server
    6. if there was some error (for example in saving the new util.php file) you can always upload your backup again to restore to your last working state.

    What more can I do to make my directory "production" ready?
    Here is a quick checklist of items to review before you go live:
    1. do a final review of Setup > Edit Configuration in particular for > General directory settings but review all settings and submit
    2. optionally use only a valid webmaster and system email address as configured in administration Setup > Edit Configuration > Email notification settings
    3. add a listing just like a customer would - is all ok?
    4. update a listing including image upload - is all ok?
    5. verify you are receiving appropriate email for these actions as both customer and webmaster
    6. use all the searches - do they give correct results? For example, when you do a search does each listing type show the data you want for that listing type?
    7. if used - upgrade a listing (pay for one listing type to be improved to another, use the Test listing type)
    8. remove the Test listing type admin > Setup > Edit Configuration > Listing types offered, make sure all your prices are right, submit

    Can phpYellow show sub-categories?
    phpYellow 4.x has database driven categories. You can have an infinite number of categories, example:
    Travel - North America
    Travel - North America - California
    Travel - North America - Florida
    Travel - North America - Florida - Airlines
    Travel - North America - Florida - Bus
    Travel - North America - Florida - Car

    The administration has a point and click module which lets you add, edit or remove any category. Edits to existing categories with existing data automatically update all affected records with the new category name.

    How do I remove the return link in the footer?
    1. first purchase permission, more info:
    2. Open templates/footer.php
    3. edit to suit your preferences
    4. save and upload to /templates folder
    5. the license requires a return link which may be removed with a nominal fee

    Is there a feature to allow coupons for advertising?
    Negative, coupon advertising is not included. However each listing has an available field (column) in the database listing table for a coupon number. You may use this empty field to hook into your own coupon code. The field is defined as: `id_coupon` int(9) unsigned default NULL,

    I have listings that are expiring on my phpYellowPages Pro. Are the contacts automatically notified their listing has expired or do I need to do something to let them know?
    Be sure to use 'Manual Expire' to manually exire the status of the listings, then write them.
    For 3.x you can do this by admin > export email list > which produces a list of email addresses. From there you can bcc the list whatever note you like.
    For 4.x ( ) there is a new email notification module, and other goodies. All you do is point and click. The application notifies by email for you.

    How can I quickly remove all the default categories?
    • Login to admin
    • click easysql button
    • paste in this command

      DELETE FROM p4_category_popular
    • click on 'Run my command'
    That will wipe the table clean, then next use admin > Manage Categories to manually repopulate the table.

    How do I manually add listings for admin and set them to never expire?
    1. use the quick submit function to manually add listings for admin
    2. to never expire: To apply a "never expire" for ALL listings go admin > Edit Configuration > General directory settings > and set days to expiry to a high value, example: 7300

    Note: to never expire use a value for 10 or 20 years - either 3650 or 7300. Some web servers default to a date in the past (1969) if you enter a high number value. This will result in the listing never showing. If you find this happening to you then lower the number of days to expiry.

    Do you have an affiliate program?

  10. EMAIL

    Which file contains the verbiage for the confirmation emails that are sent to a "New User" or a User that upgrades their account?
    New user (and miscellaneous tasks) email: see email_notify.php
    Invoice sent: see /modules/payment/buy.php

    Why doesn't the email work?
    Make sure that you have configured the application to send email. Log in to administration, review and submit the Email notification settings found in admin > Setup > Edit Configuration > Email notification settings. For example, notify customer > on . The file email_notify.php performs user login emailing, the checkout invoicing is performed in /modules/payment/buy.php and some administrative triggered mailing is performed in admin/send_notifications_action.php

    Why was an email returned as failed?
    Delivery failed is not a phpYellow error. If the delivery failed it means that phpYellow DID send the note, but some other reason accounts for why the note did not reach its intended recipient. Possible reasons for undeliverable mail include an undeliverable address, a full mailbox or other 3rd party mail errors.

    Can I send an e-mail to all the sites members?
    The admin > Communication > Send Notifications module allow you to reach site customers before or after their listing has expired. Each customer has the ability to set their own notification preferences. The webmaster has the abiltiy to override customer notification preferences. Also see the Email Broadcast module which lets you email members directly with your own content.

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