Business & government |
The three-letter recovery
"In my opinion, we cannot be content with the current state of affairs. We have failed to create a high-tech economy, we are still highly dependent on raw materials exports; the innovative component in our economy is very weak, and we do lack immediate implementation of innovative technologies in our industries."
What should oil cost?
.jpg) The 13th St. Petersburg Economic Forum lasted three days from June 4 to 6. After President Putin in 2007 recommended to Russian state officials not to go to a similar type of event in London, the St. Petersburg Forum became considered the largest business gathering in Russia.
“Greater recognition of foreign judgments”
Chief Justice of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation Anton Ivanov visited Washington, D.C., where he was hosted by judge Stephen F. Williams of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Justice Ivanov attended a briefing with the U.S.-Russia Business Council.
Standing strong in tough times
We generally accord great attention to the personal meetings of our political leaders that set a new tone for our bilateral relations. The first talks of the presidents of Russia and the United States, which took place on April 1 in London just prior to the G-20 summit aimed at solving the global economic crisis, did not constitute an exception from the general rule.
“We need to make crime economically unprofitable”
During the times of economic disasters, criminal activity becomes more noticeable. One only needs to remember the soaring crime rates in the U.S. during the Great Depression or the Russian criminal revolution of the 1990s.
Partnership search |
Company profile: PetroGaz, LLC.
PetroGaz, LLC., owned by OIL Traders International, LLC. and the A&M group, is able to facilitate the purchase of Russian oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. All of the company’s clients in the United States are end consumers of fuel.
Rosneft: new strategies
Government-owned OJSC Rosneft is the largest oil-producing company in Russia. Vertically integrated, Rosneft has both upstream and downstream presence in every region where oil extraction takes place. The company was formed as the result of the privatization of Russia’s oil industry in 1993.
Kabirski is ready to conquer the U.S.
Kabirski’s name has became recognized for the first time in the year 2000, when the previously-unknown designer took the first place at Moscow’s international jewelry show. From that time on German Kabirski won many awards at different competitions and shows.
In the news |
Russian President calls for economic modernization
The President of Russian Dmitry Medvedev stated the he will organize a special commission for economic modernization and technological development. The commission will include members of the presidential executive office in addition to business representatives, industry analysts, and scientists.
Russia’s largest private bank
Russia’s Federal Anti-Monopoly Service has granted approval for establishing the largest private bank in the country. Yulia Bondareva, head of the FAS financial markets oversight department said that the agency has extensively analyzed the merger of MDM Bank and URSA, and there are no reasons to impose any restraints on the transaction.
Non-recovered oil to form state reserve
The Russian Ministry of Energy made a proposal to the government to include only non-recovered oil into the state reserve. According to Ministry of Energy officials, forming a reserve from oil that has already been produced is not practicable due to the high cost associated with the construction and operation of reservoirs.
Sibur Holding to raise capital
According to the information provided by sources connected to the shareholders of Sibur Holding, the company has intentions to issue extra shares of stock totaling in value up to 10 bln. roubles. There exists a high likelihood that the new stock may be purchased entirely by Gazprombank, which currently owns almost 70 percent of Sibur.
Rosneft coming to Primorye
Rosneft has intentions to construct a plant specializing in petrochemical production close to the Pacific Ocean coast. The plant will allow Rosneft, the largest producer of oil in Russia, to boost its exports to Asia, according to the Governor of Primorye region Sergei Darkin.
First floating nuclear power plant
On May 18, 2009, a new direction in the nuclear-power-generation industry was launched at St. Petersburg, as Russian scientists and engineers began the construction of the very first on-water nuclear power plant in the world.
Pipeline to China
The Siberian pipeline construction project calls for building an additional segment of the Eastern Siberia to Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline that would cross the Russian border into China from the town of Skovorodino in Amur region.
Caspian gas pipeline
18 months following Kazakhstan’s signing of a three-party agreement for the construction of a Caspian gas pipeline, the government of the country went through with the ratification of the document. The law effectively embodying the country’s commitment to the project was signed by President of Nursultan Nazarbaev on April 13.
Gazprom takeover of Sibir Energy
In late May 2009, Sibir Energy company, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange has agreed to accept a takeover bid from Gazprom Neft. According to the terms of the transaction, Sibir Energy is valued at USD 3 billion.
Aviation industry shows improvement
The leading producer of aircrafts in Russia, Irkut Corporation reported that it redeemed credit linked notes (CLNs) worth USD 125 million and made the final coupon payment. The payments were made exactly on schedule. The company’s ability to return payments indicated that the situation within the Russian aviation industry is improving.
Uranium from Russia
Following a long period of working with U.S. officials and market sector representatives, Russia finally entered into a commercial transaction to provide enriched uranium for use in nuclear reactors located in Missouri, California, and Texas.
80 percent of small business in trade
At least 80 percent of small businesses in Russia are engaged in trade. The government of the country has begun a campaign to increase and promote small-scale businesses oriented toward industrial production.
Russia-WTO talks take a new format
Russia’s decision to team up with its customs union partners does not changes its resolve to become a WTO member. Russia still wants to join WTO, but the sequence of steps toward the goal will not be the same again.
New generation of soft displays
Russian scientists are engaged in developing a new generation of soft displays. They developed a multi-layer organic electro luminescence structure that paves the way for making television screens, notebooks, mobile telephones, and other electronic equipment.
Rosatom may build NPP in Vietnam
RosAtom may build four units of a nuclear power station in Vietnam at a total cost of USD 15 billion. For purposes of securing the contract, Russia’s nuclear agency would need to provide financing for the project, covering part of the expenses with its own money.
Market analysis |
Value of rouble to appreciate
The Russian Central Bank forecasts that the value of the country’s currency will appreciate in the near term. According to estimates, people in Russia bought USD 60 bln. worth of foreign currency after the beginning of the recession.
Second wave coming?
The Russian banking system weathered the storms of the international financial crisis with relatively few major issues. Now that the global financial markets begin to calm down, a new problem may soon arise: a crisis brought about by forces in the domestic economy.
Budgetary shortfall
The prices of oil have increased significantly during the recent months, making the problems associated with Russia’s budgetary shortfall less acute. In May of 2009, the price of Urals crude oil reached USD 55 per barrel, surpassing the mean price of USD 45 for the period of January to April.
Crisis trends in Russia’s economy
A recent report by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) notes that the impact of the global economic crisis on the emerging economies in Europe and Central Asia will be dramatic. On average the EBRD estimates that these emerging economies will contract by about 5.2 percent in the current year.
VTB reports: decline in GDP slowed
According to VTB reports, the decline in Russia’s gross domestic product began to slow down compared to the sharp drop in December of last year. VTB bases its assessment of the GDP on industry and service activity in the country.
Investors in the Russian power sector demand eased regulations
With demands for electricity in Russia declining as a result of the economic crisis, the power companies are requesting the government to stop state-supported industry expansion plans. Holding off on expansion now will be conducive to maintaining the viability of broad reforms in the economic sector as a whole.
Grain interventions
The Minister of Agriculture of Russia Yelena Skrynnik noted that the government has completed its interventions in grain production for the 2008 harvest. The money paid by the government supported farmers, stabilized prices, and created a strong economic foundation for the sowing and harvesting operations, according to Ms. Skrynnik.
3G finally coming to Moscow
The country’s top cellular phone service carriers were finally given the necessary airwave frequencies to run 3G commercial operations in Moscow and the Moscow oblast. Currently, 3G reception is limited to indoor users.
Ukraine: energy report
Geological studies suggest that the country of Ukraine has close to 1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas
ves. Significant reserves of coal have also been discovered in the country. Because domestic production remains very limited, Ukraine continues to be heavily dependent on other countries for its energy needs.
Presenting regions |
Car market update for Ukraine
Automobile sales in Ukraine that have increased substantially since 2002 are now rapidly falling as a consequence of the economic downturn in the country. Current estimates show that the upward trend in sales can resume again in 2011. Before the economic collapse, the Ukrainian car market was the seventh largest in Europe.
Spiritual Diplomacy |
Open letter to President Obama
The situation in the world is such that America is in need of friends as never before – especially of those who respect her and share her values. Belarus is one such country. It is a country located in the center of Europe, a country that lost every fourth citizen during the Nazi genocide in World War Two.
Services |
Marco Polo Presnja
I have learned about this nice and small hotel from my travel agents in New York in 2001 - it was on the list of possible choice for my stay in the Russian capital. In the past, I was always staying at one big hotel, but I am a person who loves to change something in my life and to try new options.
Features |
Fort Ross: it must be preserved
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget cuts could mean the closing of up to 220 state parks, among them the home of the world’s tallest tree and other attractions that draw millions of visitors. Schwarzenegger recommended eliminating USD 70 million in parks spending through June 30, 2010.
Meteorite for movie stars
Russian-American Business magazine and Gems Art Studio sponsored a handsomely crafted gemstone award for the best foreign feature film that went to God’s Little Garden, produced by Jacek Bromski, Zebra Film Studio, Poland. God’s Little Garden also garnered 2 more awards.
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source: RIA novosti