In November 2016, Russia produced 5.1 million tons of rolled metal, up by 1.3 percent month-on-month. The output of bars dropped by two percent month-on-month, to 1.5 million tons, with rebar production at 600 thousand tons. Sheet manufacturing dropped by 0.8 percent month-on-month to 2.2 million tons, and hot-rolled sheet output went down by one percent month-on-month to 1.6 million tons. Сold-rolled sheet output declined 0.2 percent to 0.7 million tons.
The production of billets for exports was the main driver for the increase in the output of rolled metal. Russia produced 1.3 million tons of billets in November, up by 9.1 percent month-on-month. Steel pipe output totaled 839 thousand tons, which is a figure reflecting a 2.1-percent decrease. The production of wire decreased 2.3 percent on a month-on-month basis to 117 thousand tons.
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