Never mind the Russian publics’ worries about the downward economy, the country’s leader Vladimir Putin is still very popular.
President Putin’s approval rating now hovers at around 81 percent, according to the U.S. Gallup pollster’s survey done on March 29, 2017. The population’s confidence in President Putin has not fallen from the high ratings he enjoyed after reunifying Crimea in 2014.
Gallup’s results show that eight in 10 Russians favorably rated President Putin’s performance. The survey’s conclusion is that the people’s high esteem for the Russian leader seems to be unaffected by any of the economic problems of the past several years. Neither the fall in oil prices, nor U.S. sanctions caused the Russian President to be looked upon with disfavor. In effect, the opposite was true, as Mr. Putin’s popularity slightly increased in relation to 2014 approval figures.
The poll also showed that 75 percent of those surveyed saw systematic corruption within Russian state institutions as a problem.
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