In 2016, Russia preserved its second-place position as the number two largest supplier of armaments in the world, according to the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) Dmitry Shugayev.
“Despite the difficult international situation, Russia confidently holds the second place in the top five of the biggest arms suppliers,” Mr. Shugayev said at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy on April 11, 2017.
“In 2016, Russia signed 18 international agreements in the sphere of military-technical cooperation. Russian military products were exported to 52 countries, and the number of our partners in the field of military-technical cooperation exceeds a hundred states,” Mr. Shugayev is reported to have said.
During his speech, the FSMTC director covered modern trends on the global arms market and analyzed the problems, questions, and prospects of developing Russia’s military-technical cooperation with foreign states in various world regions.
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated in March that Russia’s exports of military products are being shipped to 52 countries. The Russian leader added that the export-order book for Russian armaments is at USD50 billion. Total exports of Russia-made military products in 2016 topped USD15 billion.
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