Researchers of the Tomsk Polytechnic University are developing an X-ray computer tomography scanner that will produce a larger amount of information about the inner structure of scanned objects. The new CT scanning technology will be used in medicine and in the industry, the university’s press service reported on November 6, 2016.
“New-type tomography scanners are needed to obtain accurate information about objects inside other objects that poorly absorb X-rays. Such CT scanners use the wave phase, which gives much more information than the amplitude,” project director Alexey Gogolev said.
No one is developing such CT scanners in Russia. Projects of this kind are run in the United States, Japan, and Europe, he said.
As applied to the medical field, such scanners can spot the restoration of inner tissues and the impact of medications on restoration processes. Tomography scanning can also be used in the industry to test composite products, obtain exact information about the inner structure of objects, and detect inner defects,” Gogolev said.
Project financing will consist of two parts: federal investment (62 million roubles), half of which will be made under the Program for Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2014-2020, and funding to be provided by industrial partners, including the Tomsk-based company EleSi.
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